As we prepare for another Midwest winter, it is important to begin taking some steps to ensure that your home is fully prepared for the frigid weather to come. At Chicago Fireplace & Chimney Co. we not only want to provide a great heating source for your home, but we want to make sure that you have a happy and healthy winter season.
- Ensure that your home exterior is properly waterproofed: Even though snow and ice can be damaging, the water that comes from this melted precipitation can be much more damaging to a building. If your home is not properly waterproofed, water can get inside to damage wood and other materials that are susceptible to moisture.
- Make sure that snow does not gather: It is important to make sure that snow and ice can easily be removed from your roof either by sliding off or having a clear gutter system for melted snow and ice. Letting hundreds of pounds of snow gather on your building can place unneeded stress on the roof and potentially lead to costly repairs or a dangerous collapse.
- Clear and properly treat all walkways: The hazards of unclear walking paths is obvious, but it is also important to treat your walkways with eco-friendly products that do not damage the concrete or other parts of your sidewalk or walkway.
- Purchase a quality heating source: It is very important to keep your home properly heated during the colder months. You need to ensure that you have a high quality heating source that let's your home remain evenly heated during the entire year. At Chicago Fireplace & Chimney Co. we have many different heating options for your home. A fireplace is a great way to heat your home safely and in an affordable manner. A good heating source keeps your pipes from freezing and your family comfortable.
- Keep air vents clear: Make sure that all air vents that pull in air for your furnace or other heating apparatus are clear of snow, ice, or other debris. This will keep your heating system working efficiently all year long. Additionally, you will extend the life of your heating devices by keeping them in working order and clear of any debris.
Winter can be a great time filled with holidays and fun in the snow. Make sure that you keep the cold outdoors his season by taking some of these steps. Not only will you avoid the sniffles, but you will keep your humble abode warm and cozy during even the coldest of nights.